

I was born in Persia (Iran) and my name is Minaz.
Minaz is a mixture of two names. Mina means Daisy and Naz means silly.
Everybody calls me Nazi, which is my nickname.Up to now, I haveused it
on all my art work and paintings but I am in the process of chnging it to
Nazzi. I do not wish to offend any person by using the word Nazi which
was the cause of so much pain and bad memories. 

I discovered that I had a gift and talent for Art and painting at a very young
age of twelve years.At that age I painted my first painting in oil color in the
style of fine art. It was for a competition held for all schools in the area.
I was a warded the first place trophy and that was the begining of my love
affair with Art. 

My choice of style now is Modern Art because I feel that there are more ideas
that I can choose from. I feel that I can express myself better according to my different moods and situations in any given moment of my life.
 Painting gives me energy and passion and feel that it surrounds me like a silk
cloud and colors seem to place me on a rainbow that takes me everywhere,
Back to the past or the future.